Bell Schedule
+The Shuttle departure times are an estimate of departure times. (Please refer to the Fairfax Academy Shuttle Schedule for actual departure times from Feeder Schools, as times may vary depending on distance from Fairfax Academy.)
Note: Feeder school students who ride the shuttle (bus) should follow the shuttle times listed above. Students will have the option to pack lunch/snacks from home and eat when they arrive at the Academy or purchase a lunch when they arrive to the building.
Double Blocks: Our double blocks will meet on ODD days for 5th & 7th periods, or EVEN days for 6th & 8th periods, which means some 2-credit classes will meet everyday and double-blocked classes will meet every other day for two periods.
Early Release Days: AM buses and classes are held as usual but MD and PM buses are cancelled. Our Academy schedule stays the same and does not change.
If your school has an altered or flipped schedule and you will be absent from an Academy class, please have your parent/guardian report absences via our online attendance form or calling our attendance line. at 703-219-4060. Academy students from Fairfax HS, and MD and PM student drivers will follow the Fairfax HS bell schedule.
*FHS Base Academy Students, ALL drivers and ALL students are expected to follow the bell schedule in the last column above for AM Block, Midday 2, Midday2/PM Double Block and PM Block.